Kinship and foster care skill development is an important service the network provides to Manitoba kinship and foster care communities. The Network provides facilitated skill development educational series to support best care practices.
KFFNM educational series provided can be found in the current KFFNM Training Synopsis.
KFFNM reaches out to communities of kinship and foster parents to engage in our skill development series. Educational series are also offered through partnership with Child and Family Service agencies and non mandated organizations.
Introduction to Kinship and Foster Care
The provincial Circle of Care Line is directed to and managed by the KFFNM office. The Network collects information from community members interested in becoming caregivers. Information packages are e-mailed or mailed to all interested individuals.
Interested individuals are invited to attend one of The Network’s monthly 5 hour Introduction to Kinship and Foster Care sessions.
Topics covered in this session include: Historical perspectives underlying the current provision of care in Manitoba; Governing foster care Legislation, standards and guidelines and an overview of the CFS systems. Participants are engaged in discussions to understand the key lifestyles changes involved with providing skillful kinship and foster care.
Level 1 Skill Development Series
This is a nine-session series. The focus is on developing awareness and understanding of the many important aspects with providing skill-based parent care.
Primary focus is on developing skills for becoming a valuable member of the professional team which surrounds and supports a child in care and their family. Emphasis is on assisting care providers to develop skills as temporary and complimentary parenting experts.
Level 2 Skill Development Series
Advances the skills developed in Level 1. Participants strengthen their ability to identify and communicate the particular care skills their home provides. Previously identified themes and concepts are explored in greater depth to assist participants develop their abilities and skill sets to clarify their role within the larger system of resources their work beside.
Information Sessions
These are three-hour presentations covering a variety of subjects important to providing quality kinship and foster care. As needs arise, KFFNM develops new Information Sessions to offer the kinship and foster care communities in Manitoba. Examples of Current Information Sessions include: Fostering Reconciliation, The Child Removal Appeal Process and Legislation.